[劇情] 尤莉雅/Yulia/ユリア/錢劍

看板 TerraBattle
作者 errantry34 (mondan)
時間 2015-05-30 19:21:56
留言 15 ( 13推 0噓 2→ )
Job1:怪盜 尤莉雅 Yulia once made a name for herself as an outlaw and master thief. Her age is unknown. 尤莉雅作為一名義賊與老練的盜賊而廣為人知, 她的真實年齡則無人知曉。 Her career began when she joined the region's most prominent band of outlaws in pursuit of a man -- though not for the reason one might suspect. He was a master rogue and a champion of the people, fighting the tyranny of a king whose cruelty knew no bounds. 她因為憧憬某個男人而加入地區上最大的義賊組織--儘管不是基於某些人想到的原因-- 並由此開始她的盜賊生涯。 那個男人作為大怪盜、人民鬥士,持續對抗著臭名遠播的殘忍國王的暴政。 Yulia desperately wanted to prove herself to him. She devoted every waking moment to honing her skills and mastering the arts of their profession. 尤莉雅極度地希望向他證明自己, 她所有站著的時間都用在磨練自己的本領與掌握作為盜賊所需要的技術。 Before long, she was the best female rogue in the land. 不久之後,她成為了這片大陸上最好的女怪盜。 ====== JOB2:義賊 尤莉雅 Word spread like wildfire of her agility of mind and body, both quick and supple as a whip. Her striking indigo hair, long and lustrous, turned heads as well. She was soon known far and wide as the Silken Scourge. 關於尤莉雅的傳聞很快就像野火般傳開了。 她敏捷的身形與靈活的頭腦就像鞭子般既迅速又柔軟, 那頭充滿光澤的孔雀藍長髮也同樣地引人側目。 人們為這樣的她取了個別名--"Silken Scourge"。 (絲綢般的鞭子) Her hero took notice of her at last. But not in the way she had hoped. 她的英雄終於對她提起了興趣,但卻不是以她所期待的形式。 ====== JOB3:反派英雄 尤莉雅 Yulia had a bounty on her head already, but suddenly assassins were targeting her as well. 尤莉雅本來就是被懸賞的身分,但突然間連刺客們都盯上了她。 She had her hero to thank for it. The world knew him as a prince of thieves, but he was in fact a prince-- the son of the black-hearted king himself. 這一切都是她的英雄在幕後操控。 世人都將他視為盜賊中的王子,卻不知道他是真正的王子--那個黑心國王的兒子。 The legendary outlaw was a lie, a myth invented to provide an outlet for tensions over the royal house's oppressive rule. 大怪盜的傳奇只是個謊言,是皇室為了讓人民發洩對暴政的不滿所創造的神話。 Yulia stumbled on the truth one day and berated herself bitterly for failing to see through him. Taking up her blade, she severed the lovely, flowing locks that had become her trademark. From that day forward, she kept her hair short as a reminder not to repeat the mistake. 尤莉雅某天無意間發現了這個真相,深深地痛恨自己沒有看穿那個男人的本質。 於是她拿起劍,將她那頭已經成為象徵標誌的飄逸長髮給割斷。 從那天起她就一直留著短髮,提醒自己不要再重複相同的錯誤。 She unmasked the prince and his schemes to the people, inciting an uprising that drove the king and his treacherous son from the throne at last. 她向人民揭發王子的真相與他的計畫,煽動起義並且將國王與他奸詐的兒子從寶座上 拉了下來。 The name of the lone outlaw who sparked that revolution vanished with their regime, lost to the mists of history. 而點燃這場革命之火的那位義賊的名字,則是和國王的政權一起消失在歷史的迷霧中。 ====== Extra (通過20章以後追加) "That's it?" Yulia murmured, disappointed as she gazed up at the pitch-black sky. 「就這樣?」 尤莉雅抬頭仰望漆黑的天空,失望的喃喃自語著。 When the onslaught had begun, an old an slightly bittersweet memory had resurfaced: the day she'd left her homeland behind. 當這場突襲開始時,一個老舊且苦樂參半的記憶突然浮上心頭: 那是她離開故鄉那天的記憶。 The sky had been equally barren black that day. She remembered thinking her heart must look like that, too: a bleak and colorless void. 那天的天空同樣是貧乏的黑色,她還記得當時她覺得自己的心看起來一定和這天空一樣: 一片陰沉且單調的虛空 信じていた者たちに, 裏切られた者だけが知る, 心の色だ. 只有被信任的人們背叛後才會知道的,心的顏色。 You cant fight authority. A righteous thief is still a thief. Such thinking was human nature, it seemed. 你無法和權力對抗、即使是義賊也只是個賊,會這麼想也是人之常情。 No matter how just her cause or deeds, she face rejection left and right due to ignorance or sheer indifference. 不論她的理由或是行為是否合乎正道,她還是會受到那些來自不理解、甚至根本不關心 的人的否定。 You've got to strike at the root or nothing will change. 不從根本上著手的話就不會有任何改變。 Yulia wasn't the praying type, but she couldn't help asking a question of the maker: 尤莉雅並不是會祈禱的類型,但她忍不住向神提出了質問: "What the hell are you up to?" 「你到底想要做什麼?」 There was no reply. 她沒有得到任何回應。 ====== 與ガッツ/Gatz/小偷劍的劇情 (我沒有這隻QQ) "Your hair is an unusual color. It reminds me of the story of the tyrant and the thief." 「妳的頭髮顏色很特別,它讓我想起了暴君與盜賊的故事」 Gatz's remark was met with silence. Surprised, he added, "Surely you know it? It's pretty big around here." 只有沉默回應Gatz的評語。 他驚訝的問:「妳肯定知道吧?那故事在這附近很有名呢。」 Yulia shrugged. "Not really interested in local gossip." 尤莉雅聳了聳肩膀,「我對地方上的流言蜚語沒什麼興趣」 It was a modern folk tale of epic proportions, recounting the rise and fall of a kingdom and its despotic ruler. 那是在無數個現代民間故事中的其中一個,記述著一個王國與其專制統治者的興衰 "The story goes that a master thief single-handedly changed the kingdom forever. Wonder what she was like." 「這個故事提到有一個大盜賊只憑自己一人就永遠改變了這個王國。真好奇她究竟 是個怎麼樣的人。」 "Either supremely naive or supremely stupid," Yulia replied with a smirk. "Guess she had nothing better to do either way." 「不是極度天真就是極度愚蠢,」尤莉雅露出冷笑回應他, 「我猜她大概是沒事做才會那樣。」 "Aw, come on. A rogue hero! That's pretty cool, right?" 「喔,拜託,一個怪盜的英雄耶!妳不覺得這很酷嗎?」 Yulia sighed. "Listen, kid, toppling one tyrant means nothing. Winning a battle means nothing if you don't win the war." 尤莉雅嘆了口氣。 「聽著,小鬼,只是推翻了一個暴君不代表什麼。 僅僅贏了一場戰鬥並不表示你就贏了整個戰爭。」 With another smirk, she nodded at the game board between them. "Watch and learn." 她的臉上再次浮現出冷笑,用下巴指向兩人之間的棋盤。 「就像這樣,多學著點。」 They were deep in a game of Go, Yulia playing white and Gatz black. 他們玩的圍棋已經來到終盤,尤莉雅用白子而Gatz用黑子。 In a few short moves, only a solitary black stone remained, surrounded by a sea of white. 在短短幾步後,只剩下一顆孤單的黑子被海量的白子所包圍。 "I can tell you how that story ends," said Yulia. "The rebels who overthrew the king will gain power. They'll bully the weak, and the cycle will go on...until the kingdom falls once and for all." 「我可以告訴你這個故事的結局,」尤莉雅說道, 「那些推翻國王的革命者會獲得權力,接著他們繼續欺壓弱小,如此不斷反覆 循環......直到王國永遠消滅為止」 ===================================== 終於寫完了!!(咳血) 這妮子的劇情真的是又長又難翻,不過內容相當有深度,寫完很有成就感 基本上都是根據英文版來翻 不過不要問我為什麼thief/rogue/outlaw的翻譯一直變 我比較想知道這三個字到底有什麼差別(倒 Extra裡突然跑出一段日文是我在英文版裡找不到對應的句子 但我覺得它很意境滿好的所以就硬塞進去XD 那就降,感謝各位看完這篇長文 如果有什麼翻譯錯誤的地方還請不吝告知,我會盡快做修改 --          ( ω 的戰士虛淵玄語錄 ω     ψm3jp6cl4 讓鄙人來做這個真的好嗎?!為了讓電視機前的大家能夠充滿溫暖和幸福的感覺,會竭盡 全力的!!居然把新作說成是「血泊素描」……我的心都碎了……老子現在是治癒系了! 觀眾差不多被キュゥベェ的可愛外貌給放下無謂戒心了吧?從現在開始,我預計每週都會 這樣子搞一下,請多多關照。總而言之,這樣終於可以放下肩頭的重擔。各位,現在開始 我要回復成普通的虛淵了!我看到了表情像剛泡完澡一樣,一臉舒爽的虛淵老師…by蒼樹 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1432984922.A.36D.html


ndslouis 感謝翻譯 昨天剛入手這隻 05/30 19:27 1F
hcwang1126 翻的不錯 outlaw不是不法之徒嗎? 05/30 20:00 2F
a91123585 翻得不錯!故事意外的有趣呢! 05/30 20:15 3F
aker0357 outlaw罪犯thief小偷rogue有點像流氓地痞的概念 05/30 20:30 4F
vu6 推~果然英文版還是有符合他們的民情作修改,味道有點不一樣呢 05/30 20:32 5F
errantry34 但那種概念上的差異不太容易找到適合的名詞呢...翻流 05/30 20:48 6F
errantry34 氓或犯罪者又怪怪的 05/30 20:49 7F
※ 編輯: errantry34 (, 05/30/2015 21:06:37
chen1108 Yulia的劇情好有深度喔 05/30 21:06 8F
Hevak 真的是很有深度的劇情XD 05/30 21:24 9F
windfeather ユリア的J1 J2圖明明很棒,但J3圖實在太跳痛了... 05/30 22:48 10F
gipo776 很棒的劇情! 05/31 03:07 11F
u067 J3......PERSONA 05/31 11:25 12F
GainWin 好喜歡她的劇情 05/31 12:33 13F
wu90318 很不錯的劇情 不過J3卡圖真的很跳 和劇情也沒關係啊 05/31 13:12 14F
peter821201 送的角色不知道有沒有機會DNA 變回長髮妹紙就好惹 06/01 00:56 15F


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