[情報] 3/20 Q&A

看板 Wargaming
作者 WillieHuang (Willie)
時間 2014-03-21 04:09:39
留言 27 ( 18推 0噓 9→ )
終於有點東西了… http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/old.jpg 舊版虎式長這樣 http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/new.jpg 新版虎式長這樣 你說沒改進?how terrible... http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/hangar.jpg 新加值車庫 w/ 虎式 http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/sherman.jpg 新加值車庫 w/ M4 According to Storm, 9.0 test will come tomorrow. Storm 說 9.0 測試服明天上線 - regarding WoT Blitz, “developers are more familiar with iOS than with Android”, that’s why iOS version comes earlier (there however will be android version as well) WoT Blitz 的部份,因為開發人員比較熟iOS系統,所以iOS版會先出,再出Android - regarding the T-54, Tiger and Sherman models, released today: each of them is a bit graphically different. This is intentional: there are several ways that the developers (graphic designers) can follow and the goal (of test 9.0) is to find out, which one do the players prefer and then to follow it T-54、虎式和 M4 的繪圖方式有所不同,目標是在9.0測試時找出哪種方式最好 - in first round of 9.0 test, only 3 HD models will appear (T-54, Tiger, Sherman), the remaining 7 will come in 2nd round 9.0一測時只會有 T-54、虎式和 M4 的HD模組,剩下七輛會在二測推出 - the rest of the models will apparently be reworked to follow one of these three variants in style 其他的HD模組會依照勝出的繪圖方式製作 - the HD color of Tiger is historical Panzergrau HD 虎式的顏色是史實的「Panzergrau」(一種灰藍色) - the HD T-54 hull is the “new” one (with log in the back), it will get the older hull once alternative hulls are implemented as well HD T-54 將套用新的車體,舊車體會在「可選車體」推出時回歸 - the HD T-54 turret shape is correct, there were several types of shapes and mantlets HD T-54 砲塔形狀是正確的,現實中外型和砲盾有好幾個版本 - the fact T-54 HD model doesn’t have holes in tracks (and the other two HD models do) is a bug, it will be fixed HD T-54 的模組沒在履帶中間開洞(其他兩台有),這是錯誤會修正 - currently, the best modelled (material-wise, eg. metal and such) HD tank is the Sherman, the fact it looks a bit like a plastic toy is actually historical, it looks much like the real vehicle (where Tiger has it a bit worse) 目前最佳 HD 模型是 HD M4(質感方面),有帶點塑膠玩具的味道其實比較貼近史實(虎 式就差了一點) - 9.0 test will come out “within days” (Evilly states that if all goes well this week even, but it won’t be a regular 9.0 test of a complete patch, rather than a partial test of the components, that are already finished) 9.0測試服會在幾天內推出(Evilly:如果沒搞砸的話這週,但不是全部內容,會先放 已完成的部份)(譯註:Storm 說明天出…不是全部內容應該是在說HD模型…吧) - Storm stated that the fact that the Tiger I in game looks very smooth (as in, the paint is glossy and smooth) is historical, that’s how the vehicles looked (unless they were repainted 50 times) Storm 表示把虎式的漆做成光滑平順是合乎史實的,這才是它原本的樣子 (除非這台被重複上漆五十遍) - all German models will become darker, they will be repainted the way the HD Tiger is 所有德國車的色調都會被調暗,依虎式辦理 - Q: “Want rust and dirty look? Go play the other game” (SS: War Thunder) 鏽斑和髒污?請左轉去找別家 - War Thunder Tiger model looks really good, because according to Storm, it was a showcase model where many polygons were used, while later models have significantly fewer polygons WT 的虎式建模做的真不錯;據 Storm 表示這是他們的招牌,用了大量的多邊形來描繪; 但後來推出的模組多邊形數量顯著減少 - Maus HD model is being worked on 正在把老鼠 HD化 - the main goal of test 9.0 will be the testing of historical battles 9.0 測試服的主要目標是測試史實戰鬥 - HD IS-3 will come either in 9.1 or 9.2 HD IS-3 會在 9.1 或 9.2 推出 - apparently, the IS-3 model is, angle-wise, correct as it is now 目前的IS-3模組角度是正確的 - this year, improved graphics will transfer to DirectX 11 今年會把「進階畫質」移至 DirectX 11 架構上 - Dx11 support will come after multi core support 支援多核後會支援 DirectX 11 - according to BigAngryCat, there was a small issue with the Sherman texture. Apparently, the first idea was that under the scratches in paint, there should be primer color visible. It turned out that Americans actually didn’t need to use primer, because they actually treated the armor so that its surface was sort of “rough” and the color “soaked” into it, creating a very persistent layer of paint 根據 BigAngryCat 的說法,一開始有打算把 M4 的刮傷處做露出底漆的效果,但後來發現 美國佬根本沒用底漆。因為他們將裝甲處理過讓表面粗糙化,而顏料會附著在上面形成一 層很堅固的漆面 - alternative hulls will come in 9.4 or later 「可選車體」至少是 9.4 以後的事 - HD models (updated ones) will have the independent suspension HD 模組會套用獨立懸吊效果 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/20/20-3-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


lucky96plokm 推! 03/21 04:17 1F
lsslss 細節精細不少 不過色彩飽和度似乎太高了點 03/21 04:21 2F
dxzy 03/21 05:21 3F
wuchianlin 好天氣這樣滿正常的,如果陰暗處還這樣就比較怪 03/21 07:45 4F
Pegasus99 黑油油的老虎~ 03/21 07:49 5F
pgwevolution 9.0開始的版本會支援多核心了是這個意思嗎? 03/21 10:44 6F
GodOfGods 黑虎 03/21 10:47 7F
ccc73123 9.0不支援多核心 03/21 11:42 8F
iamstudent Tiger真的是這樣子的嗎?怎麼照片上都看不出來 03/21 15:01 9F
Pegasus99 好好塗漆的坦克真的油油亮亮的 但戰場上不太可能保養 03/21 15:50 10F
Pegasus99 上次中正紀念堂的M41就綠油油的 03/21 15:50 11F
lsslss 新塗+厚漆是會油亮沒錯 不過漆面都做鏽蝕磨損了太油 03/21 16:03 12F
lsslss 亮會感覺有點違和 03/21 16:03 13F
Bluetyreal 因為下禮拜就要高裝檢了 戰車油亮一點也是合理的 03/21 16:10 14F
b445445 像KV2的12邊形炮管就不合理╮(╯▽╰)╭ 03/21 16:22 15F
Bluetyreal 砲管遺失 拿保麗龍來替代 能夠做成那樣已經是很大的 03/21 16:23 16F
Bluetyreal 突破了 你這樣嫌東嫌西 是不把我們精實的國軍看在眼 03/21 16:24 17F
Bluetyreal 裡嗎! 03/21 16:25 18F
tomwei34 https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWN7ak3oAx0 03/21 17:15 19F
tomwei34 Developer Diaries 2014 - Graphics 03/21 17:15 20F
donkilu 新的虎式看起來質感很好,現在的有點破銅爛鐵味道XD 03/21 17:20 21F
lsslss 天氣模式超棒的阿 期待有雨天夜戰XD 03/21 17:38 22F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (03/21 19:49)
udm 本來能贏的,因為一場大雪降低能見度,結果輸掉? 03/21 20:39 23F
udm 加入天氣這變數應該會很有趣~~~~ 03/21 20:40 24F
lsslss 祖國瞎子表示 03/21 21:06 25F
WillieHuang 電競選手應該會摔滑鼠吧 03/21 21:11 26F
chenyeart shinyyy~ 03/22 00:48 27F


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