[翻譯]M10 Wolverine 狼獾 (WoT Wiki)

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作者 writen (cypress)
時間 2013-11-24 18:50:36
留言 26 ( 12推 0噓 14→ )
上次有人翻譯Jackson 的wiki文章 最近剛好開始玩M10 試著簡單翻譯分享一下 WoT WIKI的文章 (如果有翻錯或不妥的地方請多多提出) 順便騙點P幣(O) http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/M10_Wolverine _________________________ 介紹: The M10 Wolverine is an American tier 5 tank destroyer. M10 美國5階驅逐坦克 (前續T40 後接 Hellcat & Jackson) The most widely-produced American tank destroyer, with a total of 6,706 vehicles, in two basic variants, manufactured from September 1942 through January 1944. More than a third of all Wolverines were supplied to Allied nations under Lend-Lease. 作為美國生產最多的TD,從1942 9月到1944 1月 共生產了6706台 有兩種版本. 超過三分之一租借給盟軍使用. The M10 Wolverine is poorly armored, but it more than compensates for this with a great gun, good maneuverability and speed, and a fully traversing turret. However, the turret does not turn very fast. The tank's size is too great to remain camouflaged well, although the rotating turret allows you to keep the hull still so that Camouflage Nets and Binocular Telescopes don't reset. Always remember that despite the turret, this TD cannot be played as a medium tank as it is wholly inadequate for that role. 狼獾有著非常差的裝甲,但有著好的砲管, 好的操作性與速度 以及可動砲塔.但砲塔轉動沒有非常快. 此坦克大小對於隱匿來說太大, 但你能利用可動砲塔搭配偽裝網雙筒鏡hull-down 永遠記得儘管你有砲塔 但還是不能當成中坦來玩(能力上來說) The M10 Wolverine leads to the M18 Hellcat and the M36 Jackson. M10後面能研發M18地獄貓 M36傑克森 組件: (略) 優缺點: Pros and Cons Pros: Good choice of guns with the fast firing 76mm M1A2 or the powerful 105 mm AT M4 howitzer. Good maneuverability Good top speed Turreted Good credit maker due to low repair cost Thick lower glacis can have some suprise bounces Turret + mantlet makes it a good hull-downer 優點 好的砲管選擇 快槍 76mm M1A2 & 大砲 105mm AT M4 好的操作性 好的頂速 (只有頂速 加速不好) 砲塔! 低維修費 = 好的賺錢工具 傾斜裝甲可能帶來意外的驚喜 砲塔+砲盾 = 好hull-down Cons: Slow Turret Traverse Poor Armor Poor Acceleration Large silhouette Open top turret makes it prone to crew and module damage from HE shells Mediocre penetration and accuracy diminishes its role as a sniper 缺點 低砲塔轉速 裝甲差 加速差 體型大 開放砲塔 (易受HE影響-人員組件傷害) 普通的穿深與瞄準 降低成為狙擊手的能力 Performance Because of its large silhouette and poor armor, this TD is not the best camouflaged sniper, and can not be a front line tank. It is best used to support an advance from a short ways away from front lines and (if possible) in a hull-down position, sniping tanks from afar with its high RoF. This tank struggles to reach its top speed as well. It has decent penetration and will sometimes struggle with stronger armored opponents (though nothing should be too hard for it to penetrate at this tier). If tracked, the tank's high RoF will deal punishment to any enemies but it will quickly be subdued as its armor is extremely poor. The upgraded turret is large and cumbersome, and actually doesn't do much for the tank except increase its RoF and HP by 20, at the cost of a slight decrease in rotation speed and extra weight. 表現 因為大的體型和差的裝甲,M10沒辦法當最佳隱匿射手或是前線坦克. 最好用來支援推線,離前線較短的地方以及可能的話hull-down,利用高開火率來狙擊敵人 達到頂速對於M10來說很辛苦. 有著合適的穿深但有時候也會遇到令人挫折的厚裝甲(雖然當階坦克應該不會太難打穿). 雖然你能用高開火率來懲罰敵人,但因極差的裝甲會讓你很快被敵人制伏. 升級大且笨重的砲塔稍微減少轉速以及增加重量 (除了提高開火率和增加20點生命外也沒太大的幫助) Early Research The 76 mm AT Gun M1A1 and SCR 506 radio carry over from the T40. Research the upgraded suspension first. Next research the GMC 6046 engine. Research the 76 mm AT Gun M1A2 for a little more accuracy and RoF. Research the upgraded turret last. 研發路線 砲管 76mm AT Gun M1A1 無線電 SCR506 能從T40轉來 先升級履帶 接著研發GMC 6046引擎 升級拋管 (增加一點準度和開火率) 最後再來研發砲塔 建議裝備 中型口徑戰車砲進彈裝置 -10%裝填時間 雙筒望遠鏡 +25% 可視範圍(靜止) 偽裝網 降低被偵測機率 (靜止) -------------------------------------- 第一次嘗試翻譯WOT WIKI文章 比想像中還難 有些差不多懂意思 可是要翻成字面或口語化有點難度 如果有翻錯意思或是有更好的翻法請多提出 謝謝 自己對於量產車還滿有愛的 一開始是玩德國 四號坦克 PZ. IV (105!) 剛轉到M10時還頗不習慣的 除了都很軟的車體... 現在還是在努力練習上手這台車 個人覺得有點卡的翻譯: hull-down: 可參考shisa : [翻譯] M36 Jackson (WoT WIKI) 這篇有解釋 可是還是很難翻成特定字詞 賣頭? 露頭? ROF: Rate of Fire 開火率 射速 (本來想用射速 可是怕中文與砲彈速度混淆) 很久的影片 可是剛開始摸M10的時候覺得或多或少有點幫助 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGv1Dve108g
裡面大概講的是利用機槍般的速度和選擇好的位置來發揮M10 希望能有更多M10的愛好者分享經驗~ 謝謝 (技能或是技巧之類的) -- 順便問一下 有可以討論War Thunder的版嗎. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


shisa 推推~這台已經成為我的虐菜神車了,K/D3,勝率59% 11/24 19:03 1F
justloveaki 射速就正常翻吧 應該不多人會去聯想到砲彈飛行速度 11/24 19:16 2F
Coma hull-down就結果上來說算是賣頭,但一般不太需要翻 11/24 19:28 3F
EddieWongF14 這台我的成績不算好, 很快便賣掉了, 還是喜歡 T49 11/24 19:39 4F
Coma 另外這台上雪地全白迷彩超好看,鉚釘<3 11/24 19:40 5F
tttt299 推!不過有錯字 升級"拋"管 (增加一點準度和開火率) 11/24 20:03 6F
p4585424 可是我覺得美國車的白星和全白迷彩不搭 11/24 20:08 7F
Pegasus99 我覺得德系的雪地迷彩最好看 美系要嘛太花要嘛太白 11/24 20:11 8F
Pegasus99 而且大部分車型都有圓弧 不像德系的箱子上全白還挺耐 11/24 20:12 9F
Pegasus99 看的=w= 11/24 20:12 10F
Pegasus99 金鋼狼因為開頂看起來才不會太白 11/24 20:13 11F
p4585424 德系我都上斑紋诶,白底黑斑紋讚! 11/24 20:23 12F
p4585424 要說的話我覺得蘇聯車比較適合全白 11/24 20:24 13F
moon69 蘇聯白底配上紅心根本超讚 11/24 21:39 14F
moon69 11/24 21:40 15F
slyders 就像純白小褲褲上面還帶個小紅蝴蝶結 (誤 11/24 21:42 16F
Coma (恍然大悟) 11/24 21:43 17F
p4585424 (恍然大悟) 11/24 21:45 18F
Pegasus99 (恍然大悟) 該做成簽名檔了 11/24 21:46 19F
abc12812 難怪我覺得德國車配條紋特別有感覺 原來是藍白碗 11/24 21:50 20F
Pegasus99 Foch配條紋也挺像的 11/24 21:54 21F
sarspieya521 那管M1A2抽起來真的超爽的 11/24 23:17 22F
blueiori Hull down用圖解起來應該是賣頭+俯角 11/24 23:40 23F
blueiori http//ppt.cc/A2yN 11/24 23:40 25F
lsslss 美系大頭必學招式 11/24 23:45 26F


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