[情報] SS: Obj. 140 與 T-62A 哪個比較好?

看板 Wargaming
作者 sunshinefish (羽織)
時間 2013-08-28 17:42:41
留言 37 ( 14推 0噓 23→ )
原文網址: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/28/which-one-is-better-object-140-or-t-62a/ = Source: wot-news.com 來源: wot-news.com Hello everyone, 大家好: As some of you know, I am not exactly fond of Soviet tanks (I levelled up the T-54, but that’s about it), so I can’t really evaluate the Object 140′s performance, compared to the T-62. That’s why I am taking Edrard’s assessment and translating it to English. Edrard is the owner of wot-news and generally a good player, so I think his opinion counts in this. First, let’s have a look at Object 140′s armor and size, compared to the T-62A: 某些人可能知道我不是很喜歡蘇聯戰車(我有升到 T-54,不過就只有這樣),所以我沒辦 法真正去評量和比較 Obj. 140 與 T-62 的性能。這是我將 Edrard 的評測翻譯成英文的 原因,Edrard 是個不錯的玩家同時也是 wot-news 的所有者,所以我認為他對 Obj. 140 與 T-62 的看法應該可以參考。首先我們來看 Obj. 140 的大小與裝甲以及和 T-62A 的 比較: http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/part2_12.jpg http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/part2_13.jpg Size comparison to T-62A: 與 T-62A 的大小比較: http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/part2_15.jpg Stats comparison on paper: 紙上資料比較: http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/part2_14.jpg Edrard on their comparison (edited by me a bit in order to make it more comprehensive): Edrard 比較兩輛車的結論 (稍微修改讓它比較容易讀懂): As you can see from the pictures above, Object 140 is a bit lighter, faster and smaller. It’s frontal armor has a better angle. On the other hand, T-62A has a better hull and turret turnrate – and yes, 50 more hitpoints. But that’s not really that important. Frontal armor of both the T-62A and Object 140 can be penetrated by tier 8 heavies, both turrets are very tough and like to ricochet shells and if anyone tells you that the Object 140 is much better than the T-62A – don’t trust him. 從上面的圖片可以看出 Obj.140 比較輕一點、快一點、小一點,同時它的前裝甲角度也 比較好。另一方面 T-62A 的車身裝甲和砲塔轉速比較好,另外還有一項不太重要的優點: 多了 50 血量。T-62A 與 Obj.140 的前裝甲都會被 T8 重坦擊穿,兩者的砲塔都很硬而 且很會彈砲。如果有人跟你說 Obj. 140 比 T-62A 好很多,他在唬你。 Both vehicles are basically modifications of one of the same tank: the T-54 and that’s why they are very much alike, like twin brothers. Object 140 is an excellent tier 10 tank, practically identical to T-62A – and that’s his problem. Gameplay-wise, both vehicles are are absolutely identical and it brings nothing new to the game, which stands out even more when we consider other vehicles of the branch, such as A-44 and Object 416, which are quite unusual. 兩輛車基本上都是從 T-54 改出來的,這也是為什麼它們很像雙胞胎的原因。 Obj. 140 是輛很棒的 T10 車,唯一的問題是原則上它和 T-62A 一模一樣,玩起來的感覺也完全一 樣,不像該中坦線上其他車子(A-44、Obj. 416)一樣特殊。 At this moment, the Soviet tree seems to me as the one most raw and least finished. There’s a hole at tier 5 in the light tank branch, second medium branch is missing tier 9 and 10, as Object 140 is more like a development of the T-54 and has no relationship towards the Kharkov tanks. Now we can only wait for them to fill the gaps and introduce new vehicles, corresponding to the intended concept of the branches. 就我看來,目前蘇聯線是最不完整的;輕坦線在 T5 有個空缺、第二條中坦線少了 T9 和 T10 車 (Obj. 140 比較像是 T-54 的延伸而和 Kharkov 的車輛無關)。我們現在只能等 WG 加些新車把這些分支上的空缺補齊。 Silentstalker: Well, there you have it. He thinks the vehicles are practically identical and so do I. One thing that is notable is the upper turret weakspot: the roof is very thin and as the vehicle is quite low, it’s possible to penetrate. 8.8 test players already noticed this “feature”. But other than that, for different gameplay, we’ll have to wait for the Object 430. SS: Edrard 他覺得兩輛車基本上完全一樣,我也這麼覺得。有件值得注意的事情是砲塔 上部的弱點: 此車不高加上頂端非常薄,很有機會車頂會被擊穿。 8.8 測服的玩家已經 注意到這個 "特點"。如果想要有輛玩起來不一樣的車,那要等 Obj. 430了。 = 完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (08/28 17:43)
x000032001 結論 兩台一樣 08/28 17:49 1F
hemisofia 我覺得T8重坦想打穿62A正面需要相當運氣說-_- 08/28 17:49 2F
korsg T62A的正面裝甲角度很不好打阿~~ 08/28 18:16 3F
kill90206 發展史T-54>OBJ.140>T-55>T-62 08/28 18:39 4F
kill90206 而T-62=OBJ.140砲塔+T-55車身(兩個都有進一步修改) 08/28 18:40 5F
Theo57 根據FTR之前貼出來的ST裝甲圖,430頭頂也是很薄的 08/28 18:56 6F
ken80117 https//i.imgur.com/XzEUzW9.gif 08/28 18:57 7F
[情報] SS: Obj. 140 與 T-62A 哪個比較好?
ken80117 https//i.imgur.com/OE0MVyn.jpg 08/28 18:57 8F
[情報] SS: Obj. 140 與 T-62A 哪個比較好?
ken80117 看這兩張大致可以知道為啥140不會送去給430當九階 08/28 18:58 9F
Theo57 這樣看來相對於430是T-64前身,140算T-72的祖先了 08/28 19:01 10F
ccc73123 這兩台都是T-62的前身 其實T-62A就是OBJ.165 08/28 21:28 11F
ccc73123 OBJ.165=OBJ.140砲塔+OBJ.150車身 08/28 21:28 12F
ccc73123 OBJ.166=OBJ.165改115mm滑膛砲=T-62 08/28 21:29 13F
kill90206 OBJ430不是T-62的前身... 08/28 21:46 14F
ccc73123 我的意思是T-62A和OBJ.140都是T-62的前身 08/28 22:35 15F
kill90206 說T-62A是T-62的前身有點怪..這兩台比較像異卵雙胞胎 08/28 23:59 16F
ccc73123 OBJ.140(T-62A)改115mm砲就是T-62 說是前身也沒錯 08/29 00:02 17F
ccc73123 因為T-62A根本沒量產 改火炮之後的OBJ.166(T-62)才是 08/29 00:03 18F
ccc73123 量產型&有服役紀錄 08/29 00:03 19F
ccc73123 上面打錯 *OBJ.165(T-62A) 08/29 00:04 20F
ccc73123 140+150>165>改115mm砲>166 大概是這種關係 08/29 00:09 21F
ntueesuevan http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzBSfEP3pkI 08/29 00:10 22F
ntueesuevan Gun depression 可能有 -7度 08/29 00:11 23F
molukino T62A還有顆硬硬頭阿 08/29 00:13 24F
Theo57 記得T-62A有量產,但很快就停,所以只做了十幾二十輛 08/29 00:19 25F
Theo57 跟140的關係好像只有砲塔跟拋殼裝置,而砲塔之後應該 08/29 00:23 26F
Theo57 有再修改,才變成現在遊戲看到的那個砲塔。 08/29 00:24 27F
Theo57 話說150是那來的?個人沒有看過150..... 08/29 00:25 28F
kill90206 T-62A有量產阿 不然就不會叫T-62A了 08/29 00:38 29F
ccc73123 造個十幾台哪叫量產... 08/29 00:41 30F
kill90206 因為怕第一次用滑膛炮當戰車砲會出包,所以也把旋膛 08/29 00:41 31F
kill90206 版本的也批准量產了,但沒多久就取消了 08/29 00:43 32F
kill90206 只要有進入量產程序,就是量產,只是T-62A很快就停產 08/29 00:47 33F
LoveIvy QB有說俯角有差 08/29 01:16 34F
djmez 不是怕用滑膛砲會出包 是因為D54TS本身的優點也很多 08/29 14:10 35F
djmez 會下馬是因為赫魯雪夫的喜好和西方開始用105L7 08/29 14:11 36F
djmez 如果不是口徑迷思和赫魯雪夫 就不會有天女散花的115 08/29 14:12 37F


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