[情報] 3.7 不朽怒嚎、熔岩護盾改動 新守護技能

看板 PathofExile
作者 howisknight (HowardYu)
時間 2019-05-29 11:32:45
留言 73 ( 46推 0噓 27→ )
資料來源: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2509916 Steelskin and The Guard Skills As part of changes to make early game combat more active, we're introducing the new Steelskin skill, and are changing Molten Shell and Immortal Call. In our lead-up to Legion's launch, we wanted to reveal more information about these skills and how they work! 新技能:Steelskin鋼皮 不朽怒嚎、熔岩護盾改動 Steelskin is a new defensive skill which is available very early in the game. It instantly hardens your skin, granting a damage barrier that absorbs 70% of all damage taken. It has a maximum amount of damage that it can absorb, which increases as the gem levels. It only lasts a few seconds, and has a short cooldown, so you'll need to time your use of the skill to protect you from dangerous enemy attacks. 鋼皮是遊戲早期可以獲得的防禦性技能 使用或觸發此技能時,可以獲得一個可以吸收70%所有承受傷害的護盾 吸收的傷害量由寶石等級決定 Steelskin is one of three Guard skills, alongside Molten Shell and Immortal Call. These skills are all Instant and share a cooldown which won't expire while any of the skills are active. Both Molten Shell and Immortal Call have received significant changes which give them a more active playstyle that rewards quick reaction times. However, they're still triggerable if you prefer to use them more mindlessly. 三個Guard skills共享冷卻(鋼皮、熔盾跟不朽) 我們對熔岩護盾跟不朽做了些調整★ 讓他們更適合主動施放的玩法 當然,它們也是還可以無腦的被動施放 Molten Shell now grants armour while active and a damage barrier that absorbs 75% of damage taken. The maximum damage that it can absorb is based on 20% of your total armour, making it a powerful choice for high Armour characters. It also lasts slightly longer than Steelskin. When Molten Shell absorbs its maximum damage or when the duration ends, all of the absorbed damage is dealt as reflected damage in an area around you, with a large damage multiplier. 熔岩護盾 吸收75%的承受傷害,最大吸收量為全部護甲的20% 不知道是不是基本值+20%所有護甲的吸收量 還是只有20%所有護甲的吸收量 Immortal Call is now instant and grants less Physical and Elemental damage taken for its duration. It can consume up to 5 endurance charges, gaining increased duration and additional less Physical Damage Taken. At level 20, this can mitigate 35% of Physical damage taken and 34% of Elemental damage taken. Consuming Endurance Charges adds an additional 10% less Physical Damage taken for each charge consumed. Unlike Molten Shell and Steelskin, the skill has no maximum damage absorbed which makes it a much more effective answer to the deadliest of physical hits. However, it requires more planning and timing to make the most of its effect and no longer grants complete immunity to physical damage. [最重要的來了] 不朽怒嚎 瞬發,發動期間你承受更少的物理與元素傷害 寶石等級20等,給你35%更少的物理承受傷害跟34%更少的元素承受傷害 每消耗一個耐力球(最高五個) 每球給你額外10%更少的物理承受傷害跟一些持續時間 不朽怒嚎不再給你免疫物理傷害 Overall, these changes give you the opportunity to survive dangerous attacks while still standing your ground. They also reward responsive, skillful play. We are eager to see what kind of character builds you'll be creating in Path of Exile: Legion! If you're waiting for more information to decide your build, you'll be interested to know that on June 5 (US time), we plan to reveal all of the new and changed skill gems at level 20 with 20% quality. 讓我們繼續看下去! 不朽可以減免元素傷害是不錯啦! 不過免疫物理傷害被拔 要用鮮血狂怒+萬神殿拿50%生命回復的可能要不行了? 要用不朽怒嚎+熔岩護盾的可能也是nerf 寶傑,你怎麼看? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1559100768.A.44A.html


※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 11:38:14
Rekter GG 05/29 11:35 1F
funkD 這樣不能無腦Cwdt惹 05/29 11:37 2F
s58111158 受施不朽改成鋼皮不就能觸發艾爾卡莉了 05/29 11:39 3F
矮由 好像突破盲點了? XD
※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 11:43:54
vergilmir ...我怎麼感覺會出現勇士超坦流了? 05/29 11:42 4F
※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 11:44:53
EugeneX 鋼皮不是說只吸收70% 怎麼觸發艾爾卡莉 05/29 11:47 5F
※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 11:51:57
s58111158 啊,我看成吸收所有承受傷害,想說怎麼這麼猛 05/29 11:52 6F
s58111158 這三個相比,除了高護甲流派以外應該都是選鋼皮吧 05/29 11:53 7F
doob5566 不能手動不朽擋大槌了 05/29 11:55 8F
nahsnib 從無傷變成減半左右,還行吧 05/29 11:56 9F
cowaksor 應該會有職業昇華連結這些新防禦技能 05/29 11:58 10F
MoWilliams 減傷減夠多應該還是可以硬吃吧 05/29 12:01 11F
funkD 看起來是鋼皮比較好用 可是不知道能吸多少傷 05/29 12:03 12F
joy159357 之前才動過不朽又改回來 現在還想再動R 05/29 12:10 13F
henryjaw 鐵皮看起來就像爛一點的體力衣裝 05/29 12:11 14F
henryjaw 遇到小傷一點事都沒有 吃到大傷 穿了還是得死== 05/29 12:11 15F
a2016596 技能欄不夠用了啦== 05/29 12:13 16F
s58111158 鋼皮吸收量看等級,受施鋼皮就不能低等。用護甲的血量 05/29 12:37 17F
s58111158 通常不低所以可以高等受施熔盾。不朽的耐力球加成沒有 05/29 12:37 18F
s58111158 遞減就可以免疫物傷,配新酋長9球+手動不朽一樣爽用 05/29 12:37 19F
s58111158 結論是這個改動真的是buff近戰nerf其他 05/29 12:38 20F
bee0316 免疫跟減傷還是有差 會不會被刺刺鳥噴死QQ 05/29 12:51 21F
jerryliau 球消耗上限5哦= = 最多減免85%物傷 05/29 12:51 22F
et310 不能衝到刺刺鳥堆裡面了 05/29 12:51 23F
bee0316 只能想辦法讓刺刺鳥噴不出來了 冷凍!! 通通冷凍!! 05/29 12:52 24F
Cishang 球加成有上限喔... 05/29 12:56 25F
lendy0828 勇士正火坦起來 05/29 13:02 26F
lavenderktyn 砍死元素全免疫之後是砍物理全免疫...下一步難得是 05/29 13:12 27F
lavenderktyn 砍死混沌免疫? 05/29 13:12 28F
ahadears 所以沒說是Reduce還是less 物理減傷 這很重要! 05/29 13:16 29F
a2016596 less啊 原文有寫= 05/29 13:24 30F
henryjaw 看字很難 狗王你不要為難人家== 05/29 13:27 31F
henryjaw 他轉貼那篇大大的寫著What if 他也沒在看== 05/29 13:28 32F
MORIH 混沌免疫應該是不會啦…砍下去CI就沒人玩了 05/29 13:37 33F
doom3 護甲終於可以轉換成有效血量了 5萬護甲變1萬血 opop 05/29 13:44 34F
kavengany 下一季一定會習慣性衝進刺刺鳥群 05/29 13:58 35F
s58111158 我以為上限5是酋長== 85%減傷可以啦 05/29 14:02 36F
ahadears Less稍可惜,reduce比較好疊 05/29 14:12 37F
ilw4e 不朽沒了,變新遊戲了,尤其是HC 05/29 14:39 38F
TameFoxx 不朽在這季不就有跟沒有一樣了嗎 05/29 15:22 39F
MoneyBlue 容顏護盾配勇士根本超猛 05/29 15:39 40F
MoneyBlue 等於多送10000hp欸 05/29 15:39 41F
MoneyBlue 真的可以坦起來 05/29 15:39 42F
MoneyBlue 牛甲勇士核星旋風斬 05/29 15:40 43F
MoneyBlue 這季玩這個惹 05/29 15:40 44F
MoneyBlue 享受坦起來的快感 05/29 15:41 45F
技能實際可以吸收多少 可能要看之後的資訊 目前20等的熔岩護盾吸收1508點物理傷害 會不會到你說的吸那麼多還要看看
※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 15:51:17
jerryliau 你的勇士護甲會撐到50000哦… 05/29 15:46 46F
MoneyBlue 穿牛甲天賦不用特別點就四萬惹 05/29 15:48 47F
MoneyBlue 稍微特化一下裝備頭手腳也拿高護甲的蠻容易就五萬 05/29 15:49 48F
MoneyBlue hp7000左右打王再開容顏護盾 05/29 15:50 49F
MoneyBlue 覺得不錯坦 05/29 15:50 50F
victor5517 勇士護甲要撐到50000一點也不難 05/29 15:53 51F
※ 編輯: howisknight (, 05/29/2019 15:56:22
jerryliau 好吧 沒穿過蟹甲== 05/29 15:55 52F
yulymoon 我只想知道怎麼飛== 05/29 15:59 53F
ttn1983 不知道吸收量是減傷前還後 05/29 16:27 54F
MoneyBlue 承受的傷害就是減傷後 05/29 16:49 55F
Kingofknife 先不要管防禦機制了 到底能不能飛車 05/29 16:54 56F
pudidoo87 直接秒怪就沒這些問題了 05/29 17:22 57F
GY426 熔盾感覺有點強 不知道cd多久 05/29 17:52 58F
GY426 瓦爾熔盾可能也會改 05/29 17:54 59F
XiaoFatZhai less承受元素傷是不是代表連元素都要搞不死勇士了== 05/29 17:56 60F
chita0258 HC生態稍微改變 SC繼續飛囉 05/29 18:26 61F
lys82456 我只想知道我大棍哥的純物理處刑旋風斬會不會有新的心得 05/29 20:12 62F
lys82456 文== 05/29 20:12 63F
thbygn98 共用cd那啟不是只能挑一個? 05/29 20:40 64F
ke1vin 這改動不錯啊 05/29 22:18 65F
Merkle 稱護甲終於有搞頭了 05/30 00:33 66F
hanmas dot飛車變方便了 可以無腦撞小怪 05/30 00:40 67F
mavs07 高es搭秘術不是本來就很好撞怪嗎==? 05/30 01:45 68F
sobiNOva 下一版有人要哀號改這麼難怎麼玩了 05/30 03:18 69F
su4vu6 刺刺鳥只能冰起來了 沒冰傷的腳色還想活阿 05/30 10:36 70F
bored60606 傷害吸收都是%數吸收,所以遇到大傷還是有機會死 05/30 12:12 71F
bored60606 而且這些機制都是寶石技能不是天賦,還要算上CD時間 05/30 12:13 72F
bored60606 其實不見得好用 05/30 12:13 73F


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