[情報] 新技能Spirit Offering(靈魂獻祭?)

看板 PathofExile
作者 eistain (小Bal)
時間 2016-04-22 09:49:11
留言 21 ( 14推 0噓 7→ )
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1652208 原文網址 以下簡稱SO Spirit Offering is a new skill for Necromancers and other summoners, and will be released in 2.3.0 alongside the next challenge league. It grants both offensive and defensive bonuses to minions - a strong middle-ground between Flesh Offering and Bone Offering. SO是新的死靈召喚系列法術,2.3.0才會跟著新的聯盟一起釋出,包含了針對召喚物的 防禦和進攻機制,有點像骸骨奉獻和血肉奉獻的結合體 Spirit Offering consumes corpses to grant a portion of physical damage added as chaos damage and a portion of life added as energy shield to your minions when it is used. The more corpses consumed, the greater the energy shield granted. It also instantly recovers the same amount of energy shield, so can be used to save your minions that are close to death. Like the other Offering skills, Spirit Offering's buff effects lasts longer for each corpse consumed. SO會消耗屍體並且給予附近的召喚物一定比例物理->混沌傷害,此外給予召喚物一定比例 生命轉成能量護盾。和其他奉獻一樣,一次消耗的屍體越多,則獲得的ES更多,並且ES 是即時獲得,所以可以用來讓殘血的生物存活下來,並且持續時間也更長。 As Spirit Offering cares about the number of corpses consumed, positioning it tactically and timing it well is more important than with the other Offering skills. It is also very powerful when used by a Necromancer with the Mistress of Sacrifice node, as the Energy Shield buff is modified by effects that increase Energy Shield, and being able to restore a portion of Energy Shield instantly can be a life-saver. 因為消耗屍體數量會對效果有明顯的差別,所以位置和時機變得很重要,同時使用 死靈昇華裏面的奉獻女魔,可以讓ES同時附加到你的身上,成為一個保命的招式。 召喚越來越多招要放了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1461289756.A.D4E.html


※ 編輯: eistain (, 04/22/2016 09:49:48
MoneyBlue 大召喚時代? 04/22 09:52 1F
Simonfenix 以前女王剛出的時候 看召喚打女王超累的… 04/22 09:55 2F
henryjaw Necro 可以打破我大X神的世界第一ES了(X 04/22 10:20 3F
Ambrosius 大天神? 04/22 10:54 4F
robinroy2003 大怒神? 04/22 10:55 5F
tony820708 offering只能選一種 也沒有越來越多招要放的問題啦... 04/22 11:04 6F
sealifes 召喚滿好玩的 就是成長期頗痛苦讓人卻步 04/22 11:43 7F
cxzqwer 這招根本為necromancer設計的... 04/22 11:50 8F
statue 召喚身上的洞永遠不夠用 04/22 12:07 9F
westwade 真的 玩其他流派是洞多到不知道要塞什麼 召喚是不知 04/22 12:40 10F
westwade 道要放棄哪個.. 04/22 12:40 11F
et310 召喚:殭屍 幽魂 號召 褻瀆 圖騰 詛咒 血肉 受施 魔像blabla 04/22 12:44 12F
et310 召喚幹 夠了沒 04/22 12:44 13F
eagle7641 不會阿 分身召喚洞也是多到不知道銃沙小XD 04/22 13:05 14F
ilw4e 召喚成長期也還好吧,SRS一路輾壓阿 04/22 13:07 15F
aker0357 貧血表示:洞呢 04/22 15:47 16F
cowaksor 沒關係頭殼還有一個洞 04/22 16:50 17F
wahahoha 感覺可以用女巫昇華玩格擋ES流耶 04/22 23:11 18F
tony820708 所以樓上到底要選格檔還是ES? 04/22 23:27 19F
Makubax 樓樓上是指AA盾吧 04/25 01:02 20F
tony820708 那為什麼是在這篇講XDDD 04/25 02:35 21F


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