[PS3 ] SEGA Saturn Emulator Released for PS3 – Yabause v0.1

看板 Modchip
作者 snowwolf725 (空之境界)
時間 2010-09-25 00:33:23
留言 2 ( 2推 0噓 0→ )
SNES,DC 接著是 SEGA Saturn ..., 因為版權問題所以下面的連結只提供模擬器, SS 的 BIOS 要自己另外找 原文網址 : http://0rz.tw/fe832 Chalk up another! It's Yabause — the SEGA Saturn emulator — ported to the PS3. While I'm trying it out you may want to do the same. So grab it and leave your feedback below. You will need the SEGA Saturn BIOS, which for legal reasons we cannot give you; Google however… Yeah… You know what's up. Download: Yabause v0.1 http://www.ps3-hacks.com/file/136 Thanks to Ben for the tip. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


※ 編輯: snowwolf725 來自: (09/25 00:36)
z1987090 DC的emu聽說進展的還不錯 09/25 00:43 1F
llwopp 我比較好奇有沒有wii模擬器 有的話配上move來使用就... 09/26 17:41 2F