
看板 Little-Games
作者 Line2468 (台北熊)
時間 2004-03-15 18:49:08
留言 1 ( 0推 0噓 1→ )
下面應該有包括了95%吧,這些內容轉至網路上某網站網友提供,感謝他(忘了名字了) telekinetic: 就是所謂"隔空取物", 把游標停在寶物上面(可以同時射擊), 就可以取得該寶物, 超重要技能. bonus magnet: 可以增加寶物的掉落率. bonus economist: 增加power up系寶物持續效果50%. ammo maniac: 增加20%的彈匣容量. hot tempered: 固定時間身體會發出火球, 有的關卡不適合使用. evil eyes: 被游標指到的怪物會不能動(游標移開就失效) long distance runner: 經過一段熱身時間後, 你會跑的非常快. alternate weapon: 可以攜帶兩把武器(用reload鍵更換). monster vision: 怪物身旁會有一陣光芒, 方便辨別(當地上已經舖滿血和屍體的時候) infernal contract: 和惡魔訂契約, 他給你三個perk, 你則以瀕死的生命交換. jinxed: 隨機有一名怪獸受傷或死亡,如無怪獸在身邊,受傷的就是你 >.< perk expert: 多一個perk可供選擇, 讓你有機會選到適合的perk. perk master: perk效果加倍(需要先有perk expert). poison bullets: 和名字一樣--把子彈上毒. pyrokinetic: 把游標放在怪物身上, 怪物就會受傷. radioactive: 讓你身上有輻射 random weapon: 隨機換掉現有武器, 拿到不滿意武器時可以一試 unstoppable: 怪物的攻擊將不再使你前進緩慢. uranium filled bullets: 在子彈裡裝鈾元素, 讓怪物更痛. bloody mess:被打到會損更多血,不過會增加30%的經驗值(有興趣就用吧) sharpshooter: 利用雷射光照准,讓你想打哪裡就打哪裡^^(在打怪物的巢穴時很好用) veins of poison:你被咬時,怪物也會相對的損血 toxic avenger:(veins of poison)的進階,怪的損血速度增加 (到後期是廢招,絕對不會想被怪物靠近) reflex boosted:遊戲進行速度降為90%用,後期實用性高(時速10變9跟100變90的差異可以 很明顯看的出來) barrel greaser:增加射速及損傷,算好用 generation :生血,好用 greater generation:更佳的生血,好用過頭了~~可以讓你莫名其妙活下來^^ unstoppable:可以讓你行進路線不受怪物影響,被圍住時很有用 dodger 可以閃避怪物攻擊 ninja :dodger的升級版 怪物們要很努力才打得到你 thick skinned :已1/3血換取敵人攻擊剩餘2/3的攻擊力 doctor:可以看到怪物的血量當然你也知道如何打擊他們的弱點 regression bullets:再reload的時候可以以你的經驗值換取攻擊的機會(速射系武器禁用 除非你不想升級) fastloader:不用解釋了吧 fastshot:相信大家看的懂 anxious loader:再reload的時候可利用連打"fire"來加快reload的速度(大型武器必備) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下是原版英文重現翻譯分隔線,以下是原版英文重現翻譯分隔線,以下是原版英文重現 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- alternate weapon(交替武器) ever fancied about having two weapons available for use? this might be your lucky day; with this perk you''ll get an extra weapon slot for another gun! carrying around two guns slows you down slightly though. (you can switch the weapon slots with reload key) 有沒有幻想過可以使用2個武器?那今天就是你的幸運日了~只要有這個perk你就可以多帶 一把槍!雖然帶2把槍會有點減慢你的速度。(使用reload鍵切換武器) ============================================================= ammo maniac(軍火狂人) you squeeze and you push and you pack your clips with about 20% more ammo than a regular fellow. they call you ammo maniac with a deep respect in their voices. 你又擠又推又壓,終於多出了普通人20%的子彈!別人懷著深深的敬意尊稱你為“軍火狂人 ”! ============================================================= ammunition within(內在彈藥) empty clip doesn''t prevent you from shooting with a weapon; instead the ammunition is drawn from your health while you are reloading. 空彈夾不會妨礙你用武器射擊。因為它會在你reloading的吸你的血來代替彈藥! ============================================================= anxious loader(焦慮的填彈者) when you can''t stand waiting your gun to be reloaded you can speed up the process by clicking your fire button repeatedly as fast as you can. 當你不能再忍受只是站在那裏等待你的彈藥被填好的時候,你可以用你最快的速度點擊射 擊鍵來加快這個過程。 =========================================================== barrel greaser(槍管潤滑器) after studying a lot of physics and friction you''ve come up with a way to make your bullets fly faster. more speed, more damage. 在研究了一大堆物理學和摩擦力學後,你終於發明了一個方法可以讓你的子彈飛的更遠更 快更有威力! ============================================================= bloody mess(血腥混亂) more the merrier. more blood guarantees a 30% better experience. you spill more blood and gain more experience points. 越多越快樂。更多的血保證有30%以上多的經驗。你濺出的血越多,得到的經驗就越多。 ============================================================= bonus economist(獎勵學家) your bonus power-ups last 50% longer than they normally would. 你的獎勵會威力加大,比它們普通的要持續50%更長的時間。 ============================================================= bonus magnet(獎勵磁石) you somehow seem to lure all kinds of bonuses to appear around you more often. 不知道為什麼,你好象會引誘所有的獎勵更常出現在你周圍。 ============================================================= breathing room(喘息空間) trade 2/3rds of your health for the killing of every single creature on the screen. no, you don''t get the experience. 用2/3的血交換殺死所有畫面上的生物。當然,你不會得到經驗。 ============================================================= doctor(醫生) with a single glance you can tell the medical condition of, well, anything. also, being a doctor, you know exactly what hurts the most enabling you to do slightly more damage with your attacks. 只看一眼你就知道,那個,所有的東西的身體狀況。同樣,作為一個醫生,你知道怎麼打 更痛,因此你可以慢慢的加大你的攻擊傷害。 ============================================================= dodger(躲閃者) it seems so stupid just to take the hits. each time a monster attacks you you have a change to dodge the attack. 站在那裏挨打可是很蠢的行為。每次怪物攻擊你,你都有一個躲閃過去的機會。 ============================================================= evil eyes(惡魔眼-以眼殺人) o living (nor dead) can resist the hypnotic power of your eyes: monsters freeze still as you look at them. 沒有一個活著(死的也不行)的生物可以抵抗你雙眼的催眠。只要你看著它們,怪物就永 遠不會動。 ============================================================ fast loader(快速裝填) man, you sure know how to load a gun. 夥計,你確實知道怎樣裝填彈藥呢。 ============================================================= fastshot(快速射擊) funny how you make your gun spit bullets faster than the next guy. even the most professional of engineers are astonished. 有趣的是,你怎麼可以做到讓你的槍比旁邊那個傢伙更快的射出子彈呢。就算是最專業的 技師都會為你感到驚訝的。 ============================================================= fatal lottery(命運的抽獎) fifty-fifty chance of dying or gaining 10k experience points. place your bets. interested, anyone? 50-50的機會,死或者得到10k的經驗!下注吧,有任何人感興趣嗎? ============================================================= multipickable(可多次選取) ============================================================= final revenge(最終復仇) pick this and you''ll get your revenge. it''s a promise. 選這個,你會得到你的復仇。這是一個承諾。(功效實在不明) ============================================================= greater regeneration(大重生) your health replenishes faster than ever. 你的血從為有過的快速回復。 requires: regeneration(需要:重生) ============================================================= grim deal(殘酷的交易) i''ll make you a deal: i''ll give you 18% more experience points, and you''ll give me your life. so you''ll die but score higher. ponder that one for a sec. 我將和你做筆交易:我給你18%更多的經驗,你給我你的生命。然後你會死,但是分數會高 些。多考慮一下吧。 ============================================================= highlander(高地人) you are immortal. well, almost immortal. instead of actually losing health on attacks you''ve got a 10% chance of just dropping dead whenever a monster attacks you. there really can be only one, you know. 你是不死的。好吧,幾乎是不死的。不會真正的損失血,但是你將會有一個10%的幾率馬上 死掉無論何時有個怪物攻擊你。只有一次攻擊,你明白的。 ============================================================= hot tempered(急躁的脾氣) it literally boils inside you. that''s exactly why you need to let it out once in a while, unfortunately for those near you. 它簡直在你體內沸騰了。這就是為什麼你一定要一小會就讓它出來一次的原因,在你身旁 的傢伙就很不幸了。 ============================================================= infernal contract(惡魔的契約) in exchange for your soul, a dark stranger is offering you three (3) new perks. to collect his part of the bargain soon enough, your health is reduced to a near-death status. just sign down here below this pentagram.. 用你的靈魂作為交換,黑暗的陌生人將提供你3個新的perks。為了要儘快得到他契約所要 求的東西,你的血會降到瀕死狀態。只需在這顆五芒星下簽上你的名字。 ============================================================= instant winner(瞬間贏家) 2500 experience points. right away. take it or leave it. 2500經驗。馬上。拿走還是不要。 ============================================================= multipickable(可多次選取) ============================================================= jinxed(不詳物) things happen near you. strangest things. creatures just drop dead and accidents happen. beware. 有事情發生在你周圍。最古怪的事情。生物們不斷死去,災難發生。小心。 ============================================================= lean mean exp machine(經驗少量平均增長機器) why kill for experience when you can make some of your own for free! with this perk the experience just keeps flowing in at a constant rate. 當你可以自己製造經驗的時候為什麼還要靠殺怪物來掙呢?只要你有這個perk,經驗就會 按一個固定的比率增加。 ============================================================= long distance runner(長跑運動員) you move like a train that has feet and runs. you just need a little time to warm up. in other words you''ll move faster the longer you run without stopping. 你象一個有腳會跑的火車一樣移動。你只是需要點時間熱身。換句話說,你只要不停的跑 ,就會越跑越快。 ============================================================= monster vision(怪物視力) with your newly enhanced senses you can see all bad energy very clearly. that''s got to be enough. 你最近加強了自己的感官,可以非常~清楚的看到所有有害的能源。這應該足夠了。 ============================================================= mr. melee(格鬥先生) you master the art of melee fighting. you don''t just stand still when monsters come near -- you hit back. hard. 你精通近身格鬥的技巧。你不只是站在那裏等怪物接近——你會還擊。狠狠的。 ============================================================= ninja(忍者) you''ve taken your dodging abilities to the next level; monsters have really hard time hitting you. 你會晉升你的躲閃技巧到下一個等級。怪物們真的很難打中你。 requires: dodger(需要:躲閃者) ============================================================= perk expert(perk專家) you sure know how to pick a perk -- most people just don''t see that extra perk laying around. this gives you the opportunity to pick the freshest and shiniest perks from the top. 你真的知道怎麼選取一個perk——大多數人就是看不到更多的perk就在附近。這給你一個 機會可以選取最新最棒的頂尖perk! ============================================================= perk master(perk大師) being the perk expert taught you a few things and now you are ready to take your training to the next level doubling the ability effect. 作為一個perk專家你學到了很多東西,現在你已經做好準備進行訓練進入下一個等級,這 將會加倍此技能的效果。 requires: perk expert(需要:perk專家) ============================================================= plaguebearer(瘟疫攜帶者) you carry a horrible disease. good for you: you are immune. bad for them: it is contagious! (monsters become resistant over time though.) 你帶著恐怖的瘟疫。你的好消息是,你是免疫的。他們的壞消息是,它會傳染!(不過怪 物第2次也會免疫了。) ============================================================= poison bullets(毒子彈) you tend to explicitly treat each of your bullets with rat poison. you do it for good luck, but it seems to have other side effects too. 你會在每顆子彈上塗上鼠毒。你這樣做是為了企求好運,不過看起來它還有另外的效果。 ============================================================= pyrokinetic(火之力) bare aiming at creature causes them to heat up. 直接瞄準在生物上會讓它們燒起來。 ============================================================= pyromaniac(放火狂) you just enjoy using fire as your tool of destruction and you''re good at it too; your fire based weapons do a lot more damage. 你只是單純的享受使用火作為你的破壞工具,而且你對它也很拿手。你的火焰在武器的基 礎上會造成很大的傷害。 ============================================================= radioactive(輻射能) you are the radioactive-man; you have that healthy green glow around you! others don''t like it though, it makes them sick and nauseous whenever near you. it does affect your social life a bit. 你是一個輻射人,在你的周圍是一圈健康的綠色光暈。雖然其他人不喜歡它,因為當你在 他們身旁的時候會他們感覺不舒服和想嘔吐。它確實有點影響到你的社交生活。 ============================================================= random weapon(隨機武器) here, have this weapon. no questions asked. 這裏,拿一個武器。不用問了。 ============================================================= reflex boosted(增強反應) to you the world seems to go on about 10% slower than to an average person. it can be rather irritating sometimes, but it does give you a chance to react better. 對你來說,這個世界別普通人要慢上10%。有時這確實很氣人,但它給了你一個能更好反應 的機會。 ============================================================= regeneration(重生) your health replenishes but very slowly. what more there is to say? 你的血回復了,雖然很慢。更好的怎麼說? ============================================================= regression bullets(退化子彈) attempt to shoot with an empty clip leads to a severe loss of experience. but hey, whatever makes them go down, right? 當你嘗試在沒有彈夾的時候射擊,你的經驗將會大大減少。不過呢,只要能擊倒它們,多 吧? ============================================================= sharpshooter(高明的射手) miraculously your aiming improves drastically, but you take a little bit more time on actually firing the gun. if you order now, you also get a fancy laser sight without any charge! 你的命中進步的不可思議的徹底,但你會花更多一點的時間開槍射擊。如果你現在訂購, 還可以免費獲得一個造型新穎的鐳射瞄準器! ============================================================= telekinetic(隔空取物) picking up bonuses has never been so easy and fun. you can pick up bonuses simply by aiming at them for a while. ingenious. 撿取一個獎勵從沒有象現在這麼輕鬆愉快過。你只需要簡單的瞄準獎勵一下就可以獲得它 了!多絕啊。 ============================================================= thick skinned(厚皮殖裝) trade 1/3 of your health for only receiving 2/3rds damage on attacks. 用你1/3的血來交換只受2/3的攻擊傷害。 ============================================================= toxic avenger(有毒的復仇者) you started out just by being poisonous. the next logical step for you is to become highly toxic -- the ultimate toxic avenger. most monsters touching you will just drop dead within seconds! 你開始只是變的有毒。你下一個合理的目標是變的非常有毒——最終的有毒復仇者!(汗 )。大多樹怪物在接觸到你幾秒後就會死去! requires: poisonous(需要:有毒)(可是怎麼沒看到這個perk啊?)================ ============================================= unstoppable(不可阻擋) monsters can''t slow you down with their nasty scratches and bites. it still hurts but you simply ignore the pain 怪物們有威脅力的抓藥都不能減慢你半分。你依然會受傷,當你卻輕易的忽略了那些痛苦 。 ============================================================= uranium filled bullets(鈾子彈) your bullets have a nice creamy uranium filling. yummy. now that''s gotta hurt the monsters more, right? 現在你的子彈充滿了可愛奶油般的鈾元素。好味。現在這將會狠狠的傷到那些怪物了,對 吧? ============================================================= -- 歐式經典睡袍 慶賀本賣場開幕,超低價折扣中 http://tw.f3.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c7744608 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


※ 編輯: Line2468 來自: (03/15 19:09)
leojuff 請問破解去哪檢阿? 03/15 1F