[資訊] 東京財務分析師職缺

看板 Japan_Living
作者 Nelagj
時間 2024-08-21 19:29:11
留言 18 ( 4推 8噓 6→ )
各位版友好,代po徵才資訊 不確定能不能po職缺相關,若有違反版規我自刪 [徵才] 地點: 東京港區 職位: Assistant Analyst 語言能力要求: business level English(necessary), JLPT N2 or higher 歡迎有興趣的人寄信到以下信箱 charliepeng@asiantechadvisors.com 由於公司很少公開資訊,也歡迎有興趣的人來信,會儘量以個人經驗來回答公司以及職位 的細節 Job description: Asian Technology Advisors Assistant Analyst This is a full-time position as Assistant Analyst supporting the Equity Analyst and Portfolio Manager. Responsibilities include company coverage across the Asia region in to develop industry and company earnings forecasts and investment recommendations. The ideal candidate will be an MS, MBA, BA or BS degree holder, majoring in business, accounting, finance, math or science, with a demonstrated interest in the stock market and the technology industry. The candidate should be able to demonstrate an understanding of technology trends shaping our world as uncovering and tracking these trends informs our investment idea generation. Work experience as a consultant, financial analyst or market research analyst is a significant plus. The candidate will ideally have studied or lived overseas and should be comfor table with Asian and Western culture. The candidate should have business level English and Japanese JLPT Level N2 or higher. Salary is commensurate with experience, with a bonus based on performance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Japan_Living/M.1724239753.A.DA7.html


B0988698088 連薪資都不確定要不要寫哦? 08/22 00:55 1F
PONANZA 排版排好再來發文 08/22 07:37 2F
※ 編輯: Nelagj ( 日本), 08/22/2024 08:48:46
※ 編輯: Nelagj ( 日本), 08/22/2024 09:05:56
※ 編輯: Nelagj ( 日本), 08/22/2024 09:16:31
※ 編輯: Nelagj ( 日本), 08/22/2024 09:20:07
Nelagj 不好意思,這公司不公開薪資範圍,如果有興趣可能要麻煩寄 08/22 09:26 3F
Nelagj 文內信箱詢問,會盡量回答! 08/22 09:26 4F
dennis2030 不公開薪資範圍的一律噓,浪費大家時間 08/23 00:54 5F
PONANZA 日本法律規定要求人就要公開寫明薪資 08/23 08:12 6F
PONANZA 只提要求 那你公司能給予什麼還要我問 慢走 08/23 08:13 7F
Dumbbbb 沒必要這樣噓啦 人家也是好心 08/23 10:11 8F
ntughost 不公開薪資範圍 08/23 15:01 9F
INescape123 台灣現在也都知道薪資範圍了 08/23 21:09 10F
GGFACE 相當心動 已站內信 08/23 21:31 11F
MinaseNayuki 你們已違反日本法律 08/24 09:57 12F
sakura0931 不開薪資範圍就覺得肯定是想省錢的雷包公司,英文必 08/25 09:55 13F
sakura0931 須的條件還不如去linkedin找獵頭 08/25 09:55 14F
sakura0931 可惡,按錯。想給反推的 08/25 09:55 15F
x24627785 有po在台大財金臉書社團應該不會太雷吧 08/25 13:16 16F
B0988698088 護航的要不要再想想 08/25 18:01 17F
BahasaMelayu ブラック会社退け 08/26 16:11 18F


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