Re: [新聞] (SS) Yaba Sanshiro v1.6.4

看板 Emulator
作者 conpo (明日晴れるかな)
時間 2018-03-05 23:35:21
留言 0 ( 0推 0噓 0→ )
2018.03.04 Formerly called UoYabause, YabaSanshiro is a version based on Yabause (Saturn emulator) maintained by Devmiyax (Japanese developer). Devmiyax had proposed several patches for the official branch then nothing for many months until the arrival of YabaSanshiro on the scene of Saturn emulation for the Android system and on which this Windows version is based. The emulator is almost equal to SSF (moreover some spend better on Yabause) making the two emulators complementary. The improvements: - Fixed a regression with Chaos Seed. The figure was not drawn. - Fixed a problem with the shadow that was not displayed correctly in the Outrun game. - Fixed a problem with the shadow that was not transparent in the Space Harrier game. - Fixed an issue of RGB line color insertion in the game Panzer Dragoon zwei. This corrects the sky in the background. -- ポーラステーション -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:


※ 編輯: conpo (, 03/05/2018 23:35:43