[新聞] PPSSPP 0.9.7

看板 Emulator
作者 choan (八房龍之助)
時間 2014-02-15 10:42:41
留言 15 ( 7推 0噓 8→ )
http://www.ppsspp.org/ February 14, 2014: PPSSPP 0.9.7 is out! Another release! More fixes and compatibility, and various little features. Here's the list: ‧Several scheduling and audio fixes, fixing black screens in Yu Gi Oh games among other things. ‧Screen rotation and immersive mode support on Android ‧Large improvements to the software renderer (still not really playable, but looks right more often than not) ‧New VPL allocator and bugfixes, fixing Pangya Golf performance problems. ‧Some mpeg/video playback fixes, fixing Parappa The Rapper and others. Some issues remain. ‧Fix save state bugs causing incompatibility between 32 and 64-bit platforms. ‧Symbol map/debugger improvements ‧Depth buffer copy, fixing Jeanne D'arc. May cause minor slowdowns though, this will be worked around in the future. ‧MsgDialog fixes. Saving fixed in numerous games. ‧Initial multitouch support on Windows 8 for on-screen controls. Please note that it often takes a few hours to roll out an update on Google Play, so you may not see it there immediately. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


msun 新版我反而不能執行XD 02/15 12:01 1F
jeff0811 全民都爽快可以玩了,不過問題沒有都解決 02/15 13:00 2F
jeff0811 另外宇宙巡航艦合輯還是一樣黑屏 02/15 13:00 3F
remina 那片舊版大概只能玩四代 02/15 13:18 4F
remina win7 64bit執行ppsspp 64版如果出現msvcp120.dll遺失 02/15 16:24 5F
remina 安裝VC++2013 http//ppt.cc/oG5c vcredist_x64.exe 02/15 16:25 6F
msun 實況野球能看到球衣了! 02/15 19:37 7F
ffv111 MHP3變閃退了,0.9.6還能看為開頭動畫...查了一下對岸有用 02/16 11:31 8F
ffv111 ppsspp玩"PS3的MHP3 HD"? 是用PS3的ISO來玩嗎... 02/16 11:34 9F
emulators 洛克人洛克人的Gutsman和Elecman關卡依然進不了orz 02/16 14:01 10F
Ainkakeru 如果你用的是正版就可以進去.. 02/16 14:27 11F
hdd60311 MHP3HD早在0.8.1-XXX的時候就可以玩了,板上也有測試文的 02/16 18:03 12F
hdd60311 至於原版MHP3要有解密檔案才能正常執行 02/16 18:15 13F
laikyo HD版可以在手機上跑了 感動 02/17 16:42 14F
agito310258 謝謝remina!!!昨天弄了好久本來已經放棄了... 02/19 13:50 15F


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