[新聞] (Sega Model 3) Supermodel v0.2a

看板 Emulator
作者 conpo (びんぼうがみ)
時間 2011-09-25 20:20:48
留言 14 ( 4推 0噓 10→ )
2011.09.25 應該有不少人在等這個。用我手邊幾個殘存的roms測了一下,發現這次最大的 進展就是在音樂音效表現方面,另外某些競速遊戲的速度也有不錯的提升,只 是破圖還是很嚴重,但整體來看比前一版真的進展不少。 有興趣的人快下載回去試試看吧! -- Supermodel v0.2a Changelog: - New, fully customizable input system. Supports any combination of keyboards, mice, and analog and digital controllers. [Nik Henson] - Texture offsets. Fixes models in 'Fighting Vipers 2', 'Virtual On', cars in the 'Scud Race' and 'Daytona USA 2' selection screens, etc. - Fixed a 2D palette bug that would cause black pixels to occasionally turn transparent. - Added all remaining ROM sets. [krom] - Got some new games to boot: 'Spikeout', 'Ski Champ', 'Sega Bass Fishing', 'Dirt Devils', etc. - Sound support. Special thanks to ElSemi for contributing his SCSP emulator and Karl Stenerud for allowing us to use his 68K emulator. - Multi-threading support. Sound and drive board emulation are off- loaded to separate threads, substantially enhancing performance. [Nik Henson] - Z80 emulation based on code by Frank D. Cringle and YAZE-AG by Andreas Gerlich. - Digital Sound Board (MPEG music) emulation courtesy of R. Belmont and the MPEG decoder library by Tomislav Uzelac. - Improved ROM loader. It should no longer be as easily confused by combined ROM sets as long as unused files are removed. - Configuration file now supports more settings and allows game- specific customization. - Added light gun crosshairs ('The Lost World'), enabled by default in full screen mode and selectable by pressing Alt-I. - Drive board and force feedback emulation for 'Scud Race', 'Daytona USA 2', and 'Sega Rally 2'. [Nik Henson] - Viewable display area properly clipped. Ghost artifacts no longer appear in border regions when the resolution exceeds the display area. - Changed gear shifting: added a dedicated neutral gear and sequential shifting. - Console-based debugger (not enabled by default, must be enabled during compile-time). [Nik Henson] - Source code and Makefile cleanup ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://www.supermodel3.com/Files/Supermodel_0.2a_Win64.zip 64b http://www.supermodel3.com/Files/Supermodel_0.2a_Win32.zip 32b GUI工具 Supermodel GUI v.0.10 http://www.roadtoavonlea.net/smgui.zip SM3EasyBox v0.0.3.4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZS27167N 不想用GUI工具的話,就直接把roms拖曳給Supermodel跑吧! 官方:http://www.supermodel3.com/ -- 何金銀:「事情是這樣的。剛才我經過這裡,就有一個衣衫藍縷的男人走過來,問我要二 十塊錢買東西吃,我看他可憐,所以就給他了。誰知道他說還有老婆跟兒子沒 東西吃、沒衣服穿很冷,跟著就走過來脫了我的衣服、拿了我的錢包,還問我 介不介意?我就說是有點介意,但你這麼可憐就算了吧!內褲是我自己要脫的 ,我認為要幫人就幫到底嘛!但是我又怕被抓去坐牢,說我在公共場所裸露下 體,所以我就先報警,想跟你們先說明一下,就這麼回事。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)


jeff0811 這新聞在某些人眼中也不重要吧..... 09/25 20:49 1F
conpo 那我也只能祝福他們了(苦笑) 09/25 20:56 2F
tonyhsie rom set 有變嗎? 找不到cmp用的dat檔...@@ 09/25 21:40 3F
jeff0811 這個系統變動有點大,需要新的FRONTEND,暫時只能用CMD 09/25 21:46 4F
jeff0811 360手把的支援在SCUDRACE很不錯 09/25 21:47 5F
WeasoN Spike Out ???? 09/25 22:56 6F
jeff0811 是的,就是SPIKEOUT 測試45~60FPS之間,音樂音效都有 09/25 22:56 7F
jeff0811 這個可玩程度,小次郎兄應該是測試爽到暈過去 09/25 23:03 8F
jeff0811 更新SCUDRACE DRIVE BOARD ROM之後,可支援震動 09/25 23:34 9F
chinsen 讚阿!可惜我的CPU不夠力,敵人出場時都會頓。 09/25 23:34 10F
chinsen 不過都還在可接受範圍,該弄個大搖了。 09/25 23:36 11F
aton602 可惜VR3的模擬和之前差不多...不過賽車的完整度夠讓人感動 09/26 21:32 12F
choan Supermodel Loader Version 0.2a http//mcaf.ee/5poad 09/26 23:30 13F
sneak 是的,就是SPIKEO https://muxiv.com 08/18 18:41 14F


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