[情報] D4 1.0.2d 平衡更新

作者 Jotarun (forever)
時間 2023-06-05 07:03:18
留言 44 ( 26推 0噓 18→ )
https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes 每次都睡覺的時候改 工程師辛苦了 ==================== 野蠻人 Barbarian ==================== Skill Changes 挑戰怒吼 Challenging Shout Damage Reduction gained from Skill Ranks reduced from 4% to 2% 等級提升: 傷害減免 4%->2% Legendary Aspect Changes 勇敢酋長 Bold Chieftain's Aspect Cooldown reduction per Nearby enemy reduced from 2.7-5.4 seconds to 1.0-1.9 seconds. Maximum Cooldown reduction from 12 to 6 seconds. 使用怒吼技能時,附近每有一名敵人,該技能的冷卻時間縮短 [1.0 - 1.9] 秒,最多縮 短 6 秒。 兇蠻旋風斬 Aspect of the Dire Whirlwind Increased Critical Strike Chance per second reduced from 5-10% to 3-8%. Maximum Critical Strike Chance bonus reduced from 20-40% to 9-24%. 引導旋風斬時,每秒爆擊機率提高 +[3 – 8]%,最多提高 [9-24%]。 Item Changes 戈爾的摧殘護手 Gohr's Devastating Grips Explosion damage gained from Whirlwind reduced from 50-70% to 16-26%. 旋風斬結束時會爆炸,爆炸傷害為之前對附近敵人造成基礎傷害總和 [16 – 26]% 的火 焰傷害。 Damage against wreckable objects no longer increases explosion damage. 對可摧毀的物件造成的傷害現在不會計算在爆炸傷害內 Explosion damage is only increased by the first 100 hits of Whirlwind. 爆炸傷害現在只會包含前100下旋風斬命中的傷害 ==================== 德魯伊Druid ==================== Skill Changes 粉碎 Pulverize Lucky Hit Chance reduced from 33% to 25%. 幸運觸發機率:33%->25% 閃電風暴 Lightning Storm Damage increased from 32% to 40%. 每次雷擊造成 32% 點傷害 -> 40% 灰熊狂怒 Grizzly Rage Maximum extended duration from kills reduced from 10 to 5 seconds. 最大延長時間10秒->5秒 Class Specialization 黑曜猛擊 Obsidian Slam Kills required for bonus increased from 10 to 20. 每 10->20 次擊殺會使你的下一個大地技能造成壓制。 潛伏風暴 Calm Before the Storm Lucky Hit Chance reduced from 15% to 10%. 幸運觸發:自然魔法技能最高有 15%->10% 機率使你的絕招冷卻時間縮短 2 秒。 Passive Changes 電擊 Electric Shock Damage bonus increased from 5/10/15% to 6/12/18%. 如目標已被定身,對目標造成的電擊傷害則會提高 5/10/15% -> 6/12/18% Legendary Aspect Changes 衝擊波 Shockwave Aspect Damage reduced from 90-130% to 60-100%. 粉碎會向前產生一道衝擊波,對路徑上的目標造成 [90-130 -> 60-100]% 的傷害。 墜石 Crashstone Aspect Critical Strike Damage reduced from 40-50% to 30-40%. 大地技能對受到控場效果的敵人,造成額外 [40-50 -> 30-40]% 爆擊傷害。 閃電舞者 Lightning Dancer's Aspect Flat damage increased from .5-.6 to .7-.8. 基礎傷害.5-.6 -> .7-.8 ==================== 死靈法師 Necromancer ==================== Skill Changes 鮮血之槍 Blood Lance Damage increased from 67.5% to 80%. 傷害 67.5% -> 80% 死亡軍團 Army of the Dead Damage increased from 30% to 45%. 傷害 30% -> 45% Cooldown reduced from 90 to 70 seconds. 冷卻 90秒 -> 70秒 血浪Blood Wave Damage increased from 90% to 120%. 傷害 90% -> 120% Passive Changes 暗影荒疫 Shadowblight Damage increased from 20% to 22%. 傷害 20%->22% 陰森收割 Grim Harvest Essence gained reduced from 3/6/9 to 2/4/6. 消耗一具屍體會獲得 3/6/9 -> 2/4/6 點魂能。 鋒銳鋸齒Serration Critical Strike Chance reduced from .5/1/1.5% to .3/.6/.9%. 施放骸骨技能時,你每擁有 10 點魂能, 可使骸骨技能爆擊機率提高.5/1/1.5% -> .3/.6/.9%. 死亡防禦 Death's Defense Maximum Minion Life lost in a single damage instance reduced from 75/60/45% to 60/45/30%. 你的僕從受到單次攻擊時,損失的生命值不會超過其生命值上限的 75/60/45% -> 60/45/30%. Class Specialization 骷髏復生 Raise Skeleton Skeleton Warrior attack damage increased by 10%. 骷髏戰士傷害增加10% 魔像Golem Golem attack damage increased by 10%. 魔像傷害增加10% Blood Golem Blood Golem Life drain damage increased from 40% to 90%. 鮮血魔像生命吸取傷害40%->90% Blood Golem Life drain healing from enemies hit increased from 4% to 5%. 鮮血魔像從敵方攻擊獲得的生命吸取治療量4%->5% 鋼鐵魔像Iron Golem Iron Golem slam damage increased from 25% to 175%. 鋼鐵魔像猛擊傷害25%->175% Iron Golem shockwave damage increased from 30% to 40%. 鋼鐵魔像震波傷害30%->40% 巔峰面板 Necromancer Paragon Board Changes 強猛巨怪 Hulking Monstrosity Golem Life and damage bonus increased from 30% to 40% Life. 魔像生命與傷害加成 30% ->40% 邪教首領Cult Leader Damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%. 傷害增加 10% -> 15% ==================== 俠盜Rogue ==================== Skill Changes 迴鋒刀刃 Twisting Blades Advanced Twisting Blades Cooldown reduction per enemy hit reduced from .25 to .1 seconds. Advanced Twisting Blades maximum Cooldown reduction reduced from 3 to 2 seconds. 迴鋒刀刃在返回途中每穿過一個敵人,就會使現有冷卻時間縮短 0.25->0.1 秒 最多縮短 3->2 秒。 連射Rapid Fire Damage increased from 24% to 30%. 連續發射 5 支箭矢,每支造成 24%->30% 點傷害。 黑暗籠罩 Dark Shroud Damage Reduction per shadow gained from Skill Ranks reduced from .8% to .4%. 作用中的每個暗影會使傷害減免提高 .8% -> .4% 疾衝 Dash Enhanced Dash Critical Strike Damage bonus from 20% to 15%. 強化疾衝: 你對受到疾衝傷害的敵人造成的爆擊傷害提高 20%->15%,持續 5 秒。 釘爪刺 Caltrops Damage increased from 30% to 40%. 造成 30%->40% 點傷害 Passive Changes 震盪 Concussive Critical Strike Chance reduced from 5/10/15% to 4/8/12%. 在擊退或擊倒敵人後,你對其爆擊機率提高 5/10/15% -> 4/8/12%,持續 3 秒。 傳奇詞墜Legendary Affix Changes 反覆Repeating 單一攻擊最高傷害75/60/45%-> 60/45/30%. ==================== 魔法使Sorcerer ==================== Skill Changes 電弧鞭擊 Arc Lash Lucky Hit Chance reduced from 30% to 14%. 幸運觸發機率 30% ->14% Glinting Arc Lash Cooldown reduction reduced from .25 to .15 seconds. 閃爍電弧鞭擊: 電弧鞭擊打中被擊昏的敵人時,會使你的冷卻時間縮短 0.25 ->0.15 秒。 傳送術 Teleport Shimmering Teleport’s Damage Reduction duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds. 閃耀傳送術: 傳送後,你獲得 30% 傷害減免,持續 5->3 秒。 傳奇詞綴 Legendary Affix Changes 控制 Aspect of Control Bonus damage reduced from 30-40% to 25-35%. 你對定身、昏迷或凍結的敵人,造成的傷害提高 30-40% -> 25-35% ==================== 一般性修正 General ==================== Miscellaneous Class Changes 德魯伊與死靈法師的手下 Druid Companions and Necromancer Minions Maximum damage over time taken per damage instance reduced from 2% to 1% of maximum Life. 隨時間造成的傷害(DOT)的最大值從最大生命值的2%降為1% 巔峰 Paragon Board Changes Rare Nodes Player Attack Speed nodes reduced by 50%. 攻速節點降低50% 雕紋 Glyphs All Glyph Bonus scaling has been reduced by ~34%, except for the following: 所有雕紋效果降低34% 除了以下雕紋: Critical Strike Damage Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%. 爆擊傷害雕紋效果降低66% Vulnerable Glyphs’ Bonus reduced by ~66%. 易傷雕紋效果降低66% Glyphs' Bonus to Rare nodes reduced by ~50%. 稀有節點的雕紋效果降低50% Glyphs' Bonus to Magic nodes reduced by ~40%. 魔法節點的雕紋效果降低40% Glyphs' Bonus to Cold/Fire/Lightning/Non-Physical/Physical nodes reduced by ~62.5%. 各屬性節點雕紋效果降低62.5% Monster Changes Significantly reduced the spawn rate of Treasure Goblins within PvP zones. 大幅降低藏寶哥布林在pvp區域的出現機率 ==================== 錯誤修正 Bug Fixes ==================== Fixed the name for the Light Bearer Mount. 修正持光者坐騎名稱 The Go to Shop button from the Wardrobe will now properly open the shop. 衣櫃的商店按鈕會正常的打開商店帶你去花錢了 Fixed an issue where if a Sorcerer uses Deep Freeze and is affected by another effect that would freeze them, it caused them to be permanently stunned. 修正當魔法使使用極度冰凍時敵人如果又受到其他冰凍效果會使敵人永遠被暈的問題 Miscellaneous stability and crash fixes. 其他穩定性和會當機的問題修正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DIABLO/M.1685891000.A.7A6.html


kazureyesean 我看這週暴雪工程師應該是睡公司或是24H on call 06/04 23:06 1F
amsmsk 沒事 反正6/6號肯定加班惹 我覺得伺服器越來越 06/04 23:07 2F
amsmsk 06/04 23:07 3F
chink5566 各種Nerf 06/04 23:09 4F
Zamamba 唉 又是各種刀 06/04 23:10 5F
aa0968 暴雪刀法享譽國際W 06/04 23:30 6F
Jotarun 我慢慢翻 多擔待 06/04 23:39 7F
abc123kevin 翻譯辛苦了 06/04 23:40 8F
LADKUO56 現在也還沒有人在PVP有需要砍那麼快嗎 06/04 23:40 9F
aa0968 刨雪通常我砍下去比做遊戲還快 這是我的經典傳統 06/04 23:43 10F
abc123kevin 昨天去pvp區就有瘋子仗著等級高在開砍了 06/04 23:45 11F
delacroixex 感謝翻譯 06/04 23:56 12F
pttbeigowow 叫gpt幫你翻就好了 06/04 23:58 13F
技能你覺得會翻對嗎 :(
KTFGU 去pvp不就為了享受嗎。哈哈哈 06/05 00:09 14F
Muilie https://youtu.be/bjy8RzyrfFQ 06/05 00:19 15F
rich_yt https://youtu.be/bjy8RzyrfFQ 15F
Muilie 今天逛到這部,好舒壓 06/05 00:19 16F
forever20086 電鞭法剛湊完就砍死QQ 06/05 00:52 17F
p200404 殺20隻一發壓制 什麼垃圾被動 06/05 01:25 18F
ChenWay 手起刀落手起刀落 06/05 01:36 19F
h0rizoN 今天才打到旋風手套,只算100hit那根本沒屁用 06/05 01:50 20F
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 06/05/2023 02:03:12
estupid 電鞭法還好啦 還是滾得起來 06/05 03:08 21F
chuck5669 各種大刀欸 06/05 05:56 22F
greg7575 前幾天我才說覺得bz不nerf的絕對第一次來地球 06/05 07:25 23F
greg7575 看吧:) 06/05 07:26 24F
xbox1179 請問有人在更新完這個版本後,也有遇到遊戲中,電 06/05 07:36 25F
xbox1179 腦會不定期的重開嗎? 06/05 07:36 26F
DogFearCat 昨天不小心把拍拍熊武器分解,看到這個突然沒那麼心 06/05 07:51 27F
DogFearCat 痛了== 06/05 07:51 28F
greg7575 遠程脆皮,近戰傷害低。要順玩要很久很久 06/05 07:55 29F
kuo3027 笑死 趁標準要上前開砍 06/05 07:58 30F
sunday0226 閃電5連鞭砍這樣就是完全體時不能每群菁英有大開而 06/05 08:11 31F
sunday0226 已還有降低後期附魔閃電球效益,還沒把暴率,CDR, 06/05 08:11 32F
sunday0226 幸運撐高的應該沒差多少 06/05 08:11 33F
selph1120 哭阿 太多刀了吧 06/05 08:52 34F
egain 雕紋砍2/3 是設計不帶腦 還是平衡不帶腦 06/05 09:15 35F
lovinlover 死靈BUFF很多 只小砍了幾個(強勢?)技能 06/05 09:15 36F
lovinlover 雕紋從壓力測試後+50% 現在-33% 不就沒變 06/05 09:16 37F
vinmo 灰熊狂怒我不懂,本來就傷害+20%,怎麼會有5/10/15? 06/05 09:31 38F
改了 官網不知哪時偷改的XD
※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 06/05/2023 09:56:38
PacificRim 明天才能玩 就開砍囉 哭啊 06/05 10:10 39F
snbftmb 灰熊少5秒真的超傷 06/05 10:17 40F
a856445 看不懂,不是有hc競賽,還沒結束就上patch?? 06/05 10:30 41F
warcraft7935 俠盜還砍啊...== 06/05 12:20 42F
AHHHHH ...睡前才花了幾百萬把法師爆率撐到40%轉了電鞭閃電 06/06 04:42 43F
AHHHHH 球,結果幸運觸發直接砍半是怎樣... 06/06 04:42 44F


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